Manuscript Evaluation Plan

For writers who want professional feedback on the strengths and weaknesses of their manuscript.

A manuscript evaluation is  to help writers who are preparing to submit, pitch, or self-publish their material. Whether this is your first time doing so for your current manuscript or you're seeking to revamp a project that is having difficulty, the goal of the manuscript evaluation plan is to identify big picture elements that can be tweaked to ensure your book makes a great first impression.

What's Included?


  • 6 weeks for manuscript of approx. 80,000 words
  • Rush rate is available upon request

1:1 Support

  • One 1-hour call to discuss feedback, questions, and next steps
  • A recording of our call


  • In-line comments focusing on big picture elements, including the application of genre, structure, and style in your manuscript
  • Editorial letter addressing the in-line comments as well as any questions or requests made during the intake process
  • A curated list of 3-5 follow-up resources and/or exercises designed to help you meet your publishing goal


  • $998 for 40,000 words or less
  • $1,624 for 60,000 words or less
  • $1,997 for 80,000 words
  • Manuscripts over 80,000 words will be charged +$250 for every additional 10,000 words

Have any questions about the manuscript evaluation plan? Ready to dive in? Visit the contact page to schedule your free consultation call.

When is a manuscript evaluation most valuable?

I've finished my draft and I want to revise effectively.

You've done everything you can for your book and now you're ready for an in-depth critique. You're ready to tighten your draft and you even have some ideas, but you want to make sure you can see the forest for the trees.

My goal with every manuscript evaluation is to identify the strengths and weaknesses of a manuscript in relation to the writer's publishing goals. I will assess the flow and logic of your manuscript sentence by sentence and identify patterns that can be strengthened or adapted in order to make your message shine. Each comment, exercise, and resource will be selected to help you write the best book possible.

I don't want to give up on this book, but I don't know how to move forward.

Have you ever spent so long on a draft that you lose the ability to understand it? Maybe this is a project you stepped away from, but now you need help processing what you're working with.

It can be really difficult to "get in the zone" for any project. It is even harder to revisit a complex manuscript when you don't remember where you left off or why.

With this plan, I can help by taking stock of your manuscript by identifying your theme, structure, and plot development. This is a chance to see just how successfully your message or story comes across to a fresh reader.

I'm about to self-publish but I want to make sure my manuscript is ready.

The path to self-publishing can be as direct or complex as you allow it to become. This can sometimes mean that your manuscript isn't receiving the same stress testing it would undergo during the traditional publishing process.

During a manuscript evaluation, I am considering the genre of your manuscript as well as the current market and community it will be entering. I want to make sure that your manuscript is connecting with your ideal reader in every way it can.

When is a manuscript evaluation less effective?

I want someone to read my manuscript and give me their opinion.

You just finished your manuscript, and you're ready to get it out of your head and in front of someone else. Validation can be very important at this stage, but if you're seeking opinions on your manuscript before you're ready to conduct a revision, I highly recommend seeking out beta readers or a writing group, first.

Manuscript evaluations are in-depth reports meant to help you make substantive revisions. It can be intimidating to receive extensive feedback on your manuscript—even when it's positive—and I want you to be ready for that. This plan isn't designed to support long-term workshopping, either, so you'll be receiving my feedback all together.

Not sure if you're ready but want to double check? Visit my contact page and let me know what you're thinking. I'll be happy to schedule a free consultation call.